Many people claim that the sales cold call is dead.

We say that these people haven’t analysed the data.

For example, did you know that 49% of buyers actually prefer to be contacted through a cold call?

The argument that cold calling is dead has been around for many years, but it’s an argument that won’t go away.

Let’s try and put this argument to bed once and for all and discuss why the sales cold call is more alive than ever and how you can leverage its power to increase profits.

The Art Of The Sales Cold Call

Phone calls have the potential to open up doors to a whole range of opportunities that would unlikely occur, or at least take a lot longer if you were to rely on back-and-forth messaging.

At David Rose Training, we stand by the motto: Always call first, call again and then keep calling.

The phone creates an immediate connection and differentiates you – it makes it more likely to reach the decision-maker. It allows you to ask more questions and gather more answers.

Up to 80% of salespeople fail in the first year because they’re not prospecting enough!

Make sure you’re not a part of this stat. It’s time to pick up the phone.

Why Do People In Sales Cold Call?

Sales cold calls are popular for several reasons.

The main reason is that cold calling is a simple principle that can be learnt and perfected.

Face-to-face meetings lead to better personal connections, but you need to pay for travel, lunch, and other niceties.

F2F meetings also take time. 

As nice as it would be to sit more, there’s only a certain amount of meetings you can sit each day.

However, you can make more sales cold calls and open more potential doors each day by picking up the phone.

Why conduct initial prospecting face-to-face when you can prospect more with a phone in hand?

Three Tips To Improve Your Sales Prospecting Techniques

  • Create a Structure – ensure that every call follows the same well-oiled formula to maximise your chance of success. Pitching off the cuff can lead to facing an increased number of stumbling blocks.
  • Pick Your Moment – According to multiple studies, the golden hour for cold calling falls between 10 AM and 12 PM, and then again from 4 PM to 6 PM. Try to catch people when they’re more likely to be available.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions – Don’t lean into yes or no-based questions, as they’re more likely to shut down the conversation and you’ll get less information out of your prospect.

How To Make More Sales

As we’re now over a quarter of the way through 2024, now’s the time to act if you need to make changes to your sales process.

If you need to improve results to guarantee you hit target this year, you may need tailored sales training to help you elevate your performance.

Everything in sales starts with a call, so why not get in touch with David Rose Training to help you overcome that first hurdle and see your profits skyrocket?

Get in touch – we’re ready to help you.
